Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. A Pageant of College Green
    The Bristol Folk House was, and is, the oldest education centre in Bristol, established in 1887 on Deanery Road as part of a Baptist Mission in Lower College Green, a working-class area of the Bris...

  2. A Pageant of Bristol Cathedral
    A pageant was held to mark the 800th anniversary of Bristol Cathedral. Three performances were given in the nave of the cathedral. The focus of the pageant on the history of the cathedral, from its...

  3. Sword of Honour
    At the start of Evelyn Waugh’s novel Unconditional Surrender (1961), there is a scene where Guy Crouchback, the disillusioned catholic and soldier who had narrowly escaped capture during the occupa...

  4. Bristol Civic Pageant
    This pageant was first mooted in February 1946 as part of the town’s celebrations of the first anniversary of VJ (Victory over Japan) Day in July. It was also a key part of Bristol’s first post-war...